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Registering panelists

Pureprofile APIs allows the registration of new panelists to specific panels. So any panel you have access to can be used to register new panelists. Each panelist is unique and can exist in a single panel only.

Register a panelist

In order to register a new panelist you must provide a unique id (email, uuid, etc) that can be used to identify the panelist. You must also provide the following fields:

  • panel the user belongs to
  • first name
  • last name
  • locale of user
  • date of birth

The locale is required since each panel can contain more than one locale. So we could have a Belgium panel with a Dutch and a French locale. So you must select a specific locale during registration. In order to get available panels with their locales you can use the partner/panels/list endpoint.

Below is a sample for registering a new panelist:

curl --location --request POST '' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \--header 'Accept: application/json' \--header 'Authorization: Basic <credentials>' \--data-raw '{    "user": "<user id|email>",    "panel": "<panel guid>",    "locale": "<locale>",    "dob": "<date iso>",    "first_name": "<firstname>",    "last_name": "<lastname>"}'

The response of this API contains the user_id of the registered user with an access_token that can be used to access all Panel API endpoints:

{  "message": "success",  "data": {    "user_id": "<user id>",    "token": {      "token_type": "Bearer",      "expires_in": 2592000,      "access_token": "<access_token>"    }  }}